Freelance artist, with more than twenty years of experience in different fields, with various teams, mainly in computer-generated image illustration.
This site aims to present an online portfolio, without being exhaustive.
You have a need: I have solutions for you, which I can handle alone or in dedicated teams depending on the scale and deadlines of the project, do not hesitate to ask me for advice.
- 3D computer graphics: to meet the need to put into images, into animation a concept, an architecture, or even a product/project or a process in situation
- Design/production of applications, prototyping of applications, for:
- events and museography
- the entertainment sector
- the industrial sector
- Museography and event scenography, from need to concept, from concept to content production, from content to container production!
- Industrial pre-projects
A knowledge of many technological processes allows me to be comfortable with innovative industrial projects, to offer them more aesthetic design concepts of their product while respecting the function/feasibility. For this, I offer 3D sketches allowing them to pre-validate the design with customers before the final design, or simply to land a market that would be more difficult to obtain without putting into images a concept at the idea stage.
I have had experiences in the aeronautics, energy, construction, archaeology, sailing fields and am open to many other discoveries!
- Graphic communication
Basis of my activity with events since 2001, with many projects completed. I have turned away from the sector in recent years for a keen interest in industry and architecture, but I like to come back to it with as much pleasure as ever!
©3DVizmonkey, marque déposée
Vincent Boussac, St Pée sur Nivelle
Artiste Auteur SIRET 453 228 900 00032